THE MIAMI LAWS (MOTD) will be changed

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English only, other languages may result in a kick/ban.
No impersonating other players, staff members, or clans.
Do not Advertise anything that isnt server related. Only links to the forums, Discord are allowed.
Do not minge or troll, Join the server with intention to roleplay.
Do not be racist, homophobic, sexist, etc.
Do not spam or argue in adverts or OOC.
If you find an exploit or glitch, report it.
Do not prop climb/surf/kill/spam.
No real world trading - Trading in-game currency or items for real world money or items will get you permanently banned.
Do not mic spam. Hobos are permitted to play music at appropriate volumes, do not play ear rape in any way, stick to 1 area
Do not counter a rule break with a rule break. (If someone is RDMing, don't revenge RDM).
RDM is not allowed (Random Deathmatch) - Killing someone without reason is highly against the rules.
If you are being kidnapped and are trapped inside the kidnappers base you must comply
Scamming is not allowed, this would be FailRP
No baiting - Don't intentionally show off illegal stuff in your base to get raided by police
Don't metagame. Ex: If a dead cop sees a crime he can't mark the criminal as wanted
You must advert warns, give the player enough time (minimum 3 seconds) to comply. Valid examples for warning (there are others, use your best judgement, don't minge):

  • someone is completely blocking your ability to enter a location (NOT 'they were standing in front of me on sidewalk and I could've just walked around but I felt like murdering')
  • blowing vape at you repeatedly / using the hobo swep at you repeatedly
  • following you around for an extended period (must be clearly following you not just that you're both going to fountain or something)
  • continually insulting or screaming at you
  • not leaving your store when asked
  • Don't destroy your Ticket Generators to avoid the raider(s) getting them.
    When being raided you MUST use your keypads/buttons otherwise it will be classed as fading door abuse.
    Purchase money printers at your own risk. Staff aren't responsible if the player leaves before you wanted them to. This doesn't include scamming/unjust destruction of the raidables.
    People are allowed to go into Bank/PD lobby's freely, The doors to these places can't be locked. No permission is needed.
    You may not sell your job (IE: you cannot /advert selling/buying bitcoin miner 300k) this is failrp
    Knives are legal unless stated otherwise by the mayor.
    If a cop sees you with a gun out and no gun license they can arrest you unless the mayor's laws state otherwise.
    If you wish to duel, avoid populated areas, you are responsible if you damage or kill someone who didn't agree to the duel. NLR still applies if you die participating in a duel
    Countering and Friend Defence are valid as long as the job can counter (check job table) And you are either basing (both own doors/Are in the same Gang) This must be adverted before hand
    Multi-logging accounts is against the rules, you cannot have more than one account on at any time (this includes spawning printers/ticket gens for yourself then leaving)
    Don't try to workaround the rules, use common sense.

Raiding/Crime Rules
Only 'Criminals and Mafia may commit crimes
A raid may only last 10 minutes.
When raiding, you can't kill everyone that's nearby (IE: KOS if near)
Leaving mid Raid/kidnap will result in a warning from staff
No spawning props, changing color or material, or really just using toolgun in general when raiding or being raided. Same applies to physgun and gravgun
You must wait 10 minutes before raiding again. This duration is extended to 25 minutes when raiding the same base.
You may only kidnap every 10 minutes.
Don't raid a base with a building sign. (Hitman can still do it to get their hit)
If all members of a raid die before the 10 minutes are up, the raid is over.
If you are raiding and die, or get arrested, you may return after 3 minutes if you have a teammate still alive in the base. If You are defending you may return after 3 minutes.
If a police officer is within 15m of your raid and is posing a visible threat, you may attack them.
If the owner of a base puts 'raid freely' on a KOS sign / textscreen you may raid them regardless of your raid cooldown, NOTE: NLR timer still in effect
If, during your raid, 1 or more of the defenders breaks a rule (failbase, nlr, fda, etc) causing you to fail the raid, make a ticket and if the admin agrees that a rule was broken you can /advert false, include the staff member in the advert

New Life Rule (NLR)
Simple definition: Don't return to where you died for 3 minutes
Proper definition: Upon death, you become a new person with no memories or grudges from your past life
Want to never have issues? follow the simple definition, it's the most crude but it's what most people think of
Here, have some examples of when you can/can't return:

  • dying from a hitman in the street: fine, don't bother the hitman though
  • dying in a common area like fountain and returning: should be fine as long as you follow the proper definition
  • dying from RDM: usually fine, you may run into issues if the person doesn't think it was RDM (so take a sit first)
  • dying in a raid and returning to the raid: wait atleast 3 minutes unless all raiding members have died then the raid is over
  • dying in a raid and waiting outside so you can get back in as soon as your 3 minutes is up: bad
  • dying in a bank/pd raid as a cop and waiting where you know the criminals will be traveling: bad
  • dying to someone as non-pd and becoming pd to raid them: very bad
  • Remember, just because someone is 'breaking' NLR in your eyes does not mean you can RDM them. Grab a member of staff, maybe a screenshot. However, you probably have a reason to kill them if they're breaking NLR (like returning to a raid too soon)

The Good Rules
The Chief of Police is in charge of the SWAT and other officers.
Police are not allowed to assist with any type of crime.
You must enforce the mayor's laws (unless they're fail laws)
If you see a crime, you have to respond to it.
Police raids (warrants) may last up to 15 minutes.
You are not allowed to bait to start a raid, e.g. trespassing on a base. If a PD member baits and gets killed, the police cannot raid.
PD members (except mayor) cannot let non-PD members beyond the 2nd doors of pd without an escort.
The Good may own Printers and Ticket Gens, they however must be stored in the Bank vault.
You must have a valid reason to use your battering ram.
Do not arrest players in spawn, unless they are Killing/Kidnapping a player. Do not arrest for having weapons out in spawn
Police cannot build in PD without the mayors permission.
Do not make warrants on the information recieved by a witness, you have to confirm the information before you put out a warrant.
Police are not allowed to use stunstick without a valid reason.
Do not destroy printers in the bank vault, they are legal there

Mayor Rules
As mayor you are not allowed to enforce laws.
Do not add laws that counter rules, you also cant order PD to RDA.
The mayor cannot add laws that will lead to mrda or mrdm like conditions such as but not limited to:

  • jaywalking is aos/kos
  • speaking is aos/kos
  • walking/running is aos/kos
  • Mayor may not overrule the default laws
    If the mayor is to allow people in the PD they cannot make it a blanket statement like PD is open to all nor can they willingly let people in who are clearly trying to raid the vault (corruption is considered failrp)
    You may not have a law stating along the lines of Jetpacks equipped is KOS/AOS. Only Using jetpacks is AOS/KOS is allowed.
    Mayor is not allowed to base outside the PD.
    If you have a law such as 'Guns out kos/aos' that disregards gun licenses, at least one of your laws must say so (ie: 'Gun Licenses Ignored')
    Mayor can be demoted for any reason. (It will always boil down to people not liking your laws)
    You may not have a law that targets a specific player/job (ie: chefs don't need to follow law 4)

Building Rules
Do not prop block. You may block entrances to your base as long as you leave at least one unblocked
Building no longer needs approval however if staff intervene you must adjust/remove the base. You may build on the sidewalk, street, on top of buildings or in tunnels that connect the parts of the map.
Only 3 fading doors are allowed. Shooting holes do not count towards this amount
The fading door tool is for doors. Not for bridges or other kind of builds that keeps people out of your base.
Place a building sign down when building to prevent raids.
You may not have raidables (printers, gens, weed plants, etc) while building
There must be an entrance to your base that passes through public land or land you own.
You may only buy doors to your own building.
Raidables can't be hidden in props to stop others from getting to them.
KOS signs must be clearly visible from outside (40+ font and a reasonable color)
Do not Build in the jail cells unless you have permission from the mayor to decorate in which you must not block the prisoners from leaving the cell if the door is open
You cannot place a KOS line on the pavement in the middle of town (main street) or in the spawn area.
Your KOS sign is not valid if you also have a building sign
You may not use no-collided props except for decoration.
Have adequate space between fading doors to allow people to not get stuck when trying to lockpick/ram/hack/destroy the next
Pixel Perfect entrances/walkways are not allowed, they must be easily accessible.
Have adequate standing/moving space between fading doors to allow people to somewhat protect themselves (need to be able to fit 2 people between segments w/o getting stuck)
You can have one-way props, but you CANNOT use them to shoot at raiders in any way, this includes using them to spray through a wall that is not one-wayed.
Blindfire is allowed however you cannot use Assisted blind fire (example of this would be having a visible view next to the prop you are firing through)
Dont build in a raid or whilst getting raided.
Shooting holes must show Head and Torso e.g Cube05x05x05
No basing under water.
Your base may not have materials meant to disorient players (debugwhite, debugblack, etc). These can be used for decoration but they may not be disorienting
Do not use Invisible/Hard to see Materials/Colors [The lowest transparency value allowed is 110] where it's not obvious that a prop is there
Every fading/moving door must have a keypad on both sides which is clearly visible.
If you are okay with being raided continually put 'raid freely' on your KOS sign / textscreen
You cannot use elevators as the only entrance to a base
Fading doors must be easily lockpickable (ie:use something big enough that it's not a problem, like an actual door or something)
Bank cannot be used as a general Base, Only Good jobs can base here with the banker (for example: Security Guard, Bitcoin Miner etc)BANNED BASESKill boxes ( These are boxes / Rooms that are unclear in where to get to and are used for the sole purpose of killing Raiders)
Color / Blackout rooms (This means you can't have rooms where you can't tell where you're looking)
Crouch bases (bases where crouching is required)
Jump / Parkour bases (These are bases that require you to jump from platform to platform in order to get to your fading door or keypad.)
Jetpack Bases (Bases that are only accessible by making use of the jetpack)
Angle Bases (Bases where the defender can see and shoot the the attacker but the attacker cannot see them)
Maze bases (bases where you add turns to increase the total distance, you can use up to 3 turns in your base but make sure the distance isn't unreasonably long)
Flying / floating bases (bases which are basically just a ladder or stairway up to the sky with a base at the top or are connecting to the top of a building going off the edge)
Tiering Bases (These are multi-floor bases, Ladder Bases, Etc. Any base that goes up or down in the defenses increasing the challenge for the raider in an unfair advantage for the defender.) - By popular vote, this does not include shooting windows anymore

Mega bases
Mega bases take up the equivalent of 2+ buildings
Mega bases cannot be made unless you have 5+ people who are obviously basing there [Have their printers/Ticket gens/Drug labs/Bitcoin in the base]
Mega bases must be approved before construction begins and upon completion (they must follow all building rules)
Members of a mega base are all subject to each others actions taken inside of the base [IE: Everyone can be warned for fail base]
Exceptions can be made. IE: A smallish 'combined' base where 2 bases were nicely connected by 3 people

Kidnapper Rules
You have to wait at least 5 minutes to kidnap if you fail to kidnap, 10 minutes if you succeed, and 45 minutes to kidnap the same person.
You can only keep your hostage for 10 minutes.
The maximum asking price of ransom is 50K. Unless it's the mayor, then 250k
If the time runs out, you are allowed to kill your hostage. You may also kill them early if they don't want to pay.
You may not kidnap people in spawn
Do not kidnap people who have a building sign
You must have a suitable way for your prisoner to pay for release (this means not just shooting them once they have paid)
Pro Kidnapper: They follow the same rules as the standard Kidnapper, However Suiciding to avoid the cooldown on the Dart Gun will result in a warning then a further demotion from the job.
If you are basing with other kidnappers, your Cooldown on the same person applies (this is to avoid minging on the kidnappers part. Nobody likes being kidnapped constantly)Clan/Group RulesYou need to be part of the bad to be able to capture/defend flags.
You cannot go back to the same area of the flag you died at as it would be NLR.
Allies can help each other while capturing the flag but they need to advert Friend Defense Before so.
It is KOS if someone is in the zone of your captured flag.
When at 'WAR' with another gang you can KOS at all times.
You are not allowed to build on top of gang flags.
ghost ping TNT if you read this line
Gang Printers are illegal but only legal if they are in the Bank Vault.
Don't set your Gang information to anything that would racist, homophobic, sexist etc. eg: (gangs names, ranks or pfp)
You can kill people who are within the red zone only if you have captured this flag / or are attempting to capture the flag.
You must be within the red capture zone to capture/defend the flag.
You must wait 3 minutes before capturing another red zone flag once you have either captured/died at another.
The above cooldown doesnt apply to a flag that is being captured that is yours (unless you already died there NLR applies) 

MiamiRP Server Deatils

Written by
Below is the stuff you will need to join MiamiRP!!
(remember to read the MOTD in announcement Section of the forums)

ServerIP :

Remember to have fun and enjoy the server!